Nottinghamshire Parent Carer Forum (NPCF) is a parent carer-led registered charity and independent voice for families who have children with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND), living or accessing services in Nottinghamshire.
(Nottingham City is a separate unitary area from the County and manages its own affairs, though it is surrounded by 4 Nottinghamshire districts).
As we are all parents and carers this also gives us a particular empathy and understanding of the challenges that families of children with SEND face.
As equal partners, we offer constructive feedback, acting as a critical friend while remaining fully independent.
This is rooted in the knowledge that children and young people, along with their parents, are the most qualified to determine the services they need in their local area.
Any parent or main carer of a child or young person aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who lives or receives services in Nottinghamshire can join NPCF.
This is regardless of their child or young person’s disability, condition, or spectrum, and is not limited to those whose children or young people have a formal diagnosis.
Copyright © 2025 Nottinghamshire Parent Carer Forum
Nottinghamshire Parent Carers Forum is a registered charity. Charity no. 1200559
Nottinghamshire Parents Carers Forum cannot recommend any services to anyone. This website is intended to signpost you to information you may find useful.