Nottinghamshire Parent Carer Forum (NPCF) is a registered charity run by, and for, parent carers of children & young people (aged 0-25) who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). It is dedicated to getting parent carers’ views and experiences heard to help shape and improve the services they use.
Video illustrating how Notts PCF gives power to parent carer voices
Our team
The structure of NPCF is as follows:
Forum Lead
Steering Group Members
NPCF has a management Steering Group made up of parents and carers from across the County.
- They have children and young people of different ages with a wide range of SEND needs, and educational support.
- Many of the team are volunteers.
Steering Group members attend meetings with local and regional service providers, where they anonymously share the experiences and concerns of parents and carers, ensuring that these issues are heard.
For more information about our Steering Group please check out our Steering Group page.
Or if you would like us to come to a local support group, school or organisation and talk with parents and carers about NPCF please don’t hesitate in contacting us.
How can NPCF represent everyone?
The simple answer is it can’t.
If just one way was used the forum would be less likely to reach parents and carers who were not already interconnected with the SEND world. However, NPCF engages with parent carers locally in a variety of ways so it can hear as many voices as possible.
1. NPCF hears experiences by:
- connecting with support groups and Children’s Centres
- holding stalls at relevant parent carer marketplace events
- organising workshop/ engagement sessions on subjects relevant and useful to families with a child or young person with SEND
- receiving individual emails from parents seeking advice, who share their stories and concerns
This brings parent carers from diverse backgrounds into contact with the forum, enabling the NPCF to gather a wide range of experiences.
2. NPCF works with parents to establish new parent support groups in schools
– in all the schools involved in the Autism in Schools project – the 4th year of the project is running in 2024-5 (Please check out our page about the Autism in Schools project)
– as part of the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools, PINS, project (Please check out our page about the PINS project).
This often means being able to connect with parents and carers who are just beginning their SEND journey.
3. NPCF undertakes evidence gathering projects
– such as the Part-time Timetable Review (Please check out the page on the Part-time Timetable Review)
This allows us to collect in-depth data that captures the lived experiences of these families, providing strong evidence to support recommendations for change and improvement.
4. NPCF works with AskUs Nottingham
– A member of the AskUs Nottingham team is a co-opted member of the NPCF Steering Group.
This allows the forum to hear the concerns of families across Nottinghamshire and identify the issues that are troubling them most.
This wide breadth of family voices and experiences are used to inform all and any feedback.
‘NPCF work together with local and regional providers of education, health and social care services giving parents/ carer views and experiences so that this can inform the planning and delivery of the services they use.’
NPCF is:
not able to advocate on individual cases
(Though we absolutely do want to hear your experiences and can raise issues with providers of services)
not in the pocket of the LA
(Crucially, the members of any parent carer forum are themselves parent carers of children and young people with SEND. This drives the commitment to influencing and shaping policies and services that genuinely improve the lives of all children with SEND and their families. We will always stay true to this principle).
not there to act for the benefit of any individual or their family
(We represent the views and experiences of parent carers in Nottinghamshire rather than advocating for individual families. In meetings or on boards, we speak for the broader community and their needs).
not primarily an information or advice service, nor a support group
(Though we do share information, events & resources that support families of children and young people with SEND, signpost to relevant services, and host useful events).
We aim to help future families spend less time navigating the maze.
not a protest group or in a fight
(Our grant conditions prevent campaign activities).
We believe the most effective approach is to sit down with decision-makers and engage in robust, direct, yet respectful conversations, clearly explaining the views and experiences of SEND parents.
We are firmly committed to co-production.
Our wider network
We are also part of the regional and national network of Parent Carer Forums. There are over 152 other Parent Carers Forums across England which make up a voice that policy makers cannot ignore!
We are currently funded by Contact- for families with disabled children through the Department for Education and we work in partnership with the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF), Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB.