Nottinghamshire Parent Carer Forum (NPCF) are involved in lots of different consultations, participation and engagement activities.
Scroll down to learn more about what NPCF is involved with and currently working on.
Current engagement
1. Local Area SEND Inspection – 2023
Ofsted and Care Quality Commission (CQC) visited and inspected the Nottinghamshire local area at the beginning of 2023 to assess how effective the local education, health and care services are at identifying, and meeting the needs of, children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0 to 25.
- examined evidence
- made visits
- invited parent carers to complete a survey
- took a ‘deep dive’ into the experiences of some selected children’s stories
- had a meeting with Nottinghamshire Parent Carer Forum (NPCF)
The inspection outcome was that,
‘there are widespread and/or systemic failings leading to significant concerns about the experiences and outcomes of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) which the local area partnership must address urgently’
The full report is on Ofsted’s website in the Area SEND inspection of Nottinghamshire Local Area Partnership report.
Sadly, the report reflected the experiences and concerns that many families have shared.
We have voiced these concerns repeatedly in meetings with local area partners.
The Local Area partnership has been asked to address these concerns urgently and NPCF, as the official parent carer forum for Nottinghamshire, is involved in this work.
Parent Carers from the forum sit on the 3 governance Boards:
- SEND Partnership Assurance and Improvement Group (PAIG)
- SEND Executive Leadership Group
- SEND Partnership Improvement Board
To read the latest SEND Partnership Improvement Board meeting update for November 2024 CLICK HERE
Engagement work
2. Other work that NPCF is involved in:
- Autism in Schools project (see our page on the project)
- Short Breaks Steering Group
- Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) project (see our page on the project)
- LD/A Children & Young People Steering Group
- Early Years EHCP development group
- SEND Local Offer Development Group
- Neurodevelopmental Assessment task & Finish Group
- East Midlands SEND Forum
- Including Parents conference planning group
- Joint Notts/City SEND Employment Core Group
- Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Children and Young Peoples Integrated Care System Board
NPCF also attends:
- Joint Contact/ National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF) National conference & AGM.
This is an opportunity to meet with representatives from the other 152 parent carer forums across the country.
These meetings offer an opportunity to learn about what other parent carer forums are doing in the region, share what’s happening in Nottinghamshire, and exchange ideas and experiences.
- Termly meetings between NPCF Steering Group members and representatives from Nottinghamshire County Council.
Here, we discuss ongoing work, areas of concern, potential review and development opportunities, and plan next steps, including identifying possible people to collaborate with.
Future engagement
If you are a service provider and would like parent carer participation with a particular service or provision that you are thinking of changing or implementing, then please don’t hesitate in contacting us as we would be more than happy to assist you.
You can find out more about how to engage with us here.
Future Plans
We are currently asking members and parent carers across Nottinghamshire what they think our 2024 – 5 priorities should be.
Please let us know by sending a message through the Contact Us form.