Annual Review: The review of an EHC plan which must be undertaken as a minimum every 12 months. This is to look at how your child is progressing and to ensure the plan is kept up to date.
EHC Hub: In Nottinghamshire, EHC plan assessments and Annual Reviews are carried out on the EHC Hub. This is a secure online platform for families, young people and practitioners to make their contributions to the development of EHC plans.
Education Other Than at School (EOTAS): if a formal school environment is not appropriate for a child/ young person, the LA can arrange for any special educational provision to be delivered somewhere else and set this out in an EHC Plan. The LA would then be responsible for continuing to secure and fund that provision.
Educational Psychologist: A professional employed by the local authority to assess a child’s special educational needs and to give advice to schools on how the child’s needs can be met.
EHC Needs Assessment: The initial assessment carried out by the Local Authority to determine a child or young person’s educational, health care and social care needs. It is the first step that is required in determining if a child needs an EHC plan.
EHC Plan: A legally binding document which describes a child or young person’s education, health and social care needs, the support they need, and the outcomes they would like to achieve.
Elective Home Education (EHE): A term used to describe a choice taken by parents to provide education for their child at home. A child who is EHE will not be on role at a school.
ICB: Integrated Care Board. This is a statutory body that is responsible for planning and funding most NHS services in the area.
ICDS: Integrated Children’s Disability Service. This is the team that manages requests for EHC needs assessments and the writing of EHC plans. The ICDS Assessment Team consists of a Pre 16 Team (up to end of year 10) and a Post 16 Team.
LA: Local Authority – the local county council.
Mainstream school: An ordinary school that provides education for children of all abilities, including those with special educational needs or disabilities.
Mental Capacity Act: A law which sets out what happens when a person over the age of 16 does not have the ability to understand information and be able to use that to make a particular decision.
Neurodiversity: This is a term that refers to the natural differences in the way brains work and process information and therefore think, learn and feel.
- Most people are known as ‘neurotypical’, which means their brain generally functions and processes information in the way society expects.
- People who process information in a different way may be ‘neurodivergent’.
Neurodivergence is an umbrella term used to describe a number of these variations. Some neurodivergent conditions include: ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Autism.
When considered in the context of neurodiversity, neurodivergence does not necessarily describe a disorder, deficit or a disability – but simply a different way of thinking and learning.
Like anyone else, neurodivergent individuals will have their own individual skills and strengths. While some neurodivergent pupils may need extra support, all pupils can benefit from a greater awareness of neurodiversity, and more inclusive environments and attitudes.
OT: Occupational Therapist/Therapy. This is used to support a child/ young person who has a condition that affects their movement, coordination or ability to engage in activities of daily living.
Reasonable adjustments: are changes schools and other settings are required to make to ensure disabled children and young people are not substantially disadvantaged due to their disability and can access and participate in education, in the same way as their peers.
SALT: Speech and Language Therapist/Therapy. This is used to support a child/ young person with saying sounds and speaking clearly, communication and eating and drinking.
SENCO (SENDCo): Special Educational Needs Coordinator – a qualified teacher in a school or nursery who has responsibility for co-ordinating SEND provision.
SEND: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. If a child/ young person has SEND, they are likely to need extra or different help from that given to other children their age.
Special school: A school which is specifically set up to provide education for children whose needs cannot be met with the provision and support provided by a mainstream school.
Statement: A statement of special educational needs was a legal document that set out a description of a child’s educational needs and current difficulties. In England it was replaced by an Education Health and Care Plan, following the introduction of the Children and Families Act, 2014.