Information, advice and support

Below are two sources of information, advice and support in Nottinghamshire

Nottinghamshire Local Offer

Image of the Nottinghamshire Local Offer page

The Local Offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place. 

The website is designed to provide useful information and help
people find services that are available. This includes:
• Education information 
• Health and social care information
• Short Breaks

Nottinghamshire Local Offer is maintained and operated by Nottinghamshire County Council.


Ask Us Nottinghamshire

AskUsNottinghamshire logoAs a result of the Children and Families Act 2014, every Local Authority has to provide a free, confidential Information, Advice and Support Service, to give impartial advice, information and support across education, health and social care issues to parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) living in the area.  Children and young people with SEND can also use the service.

Ask Us Nottinghamshire is the Information, Advice and Support Service in Nottinghamshire (and Nottingham City)

They can offer support to: 

  • Find a suitable school for your child
  • Understand the different ways a school will support your child 
  • Be fully involved in decisions made about your child’s education
  • Resolve problematic situations 
  • Make a complaint to the school governors when a difficult situation is unable to be resolved
  • Understand and set in motion statutory processes where your child has very high-level needs, for example applying for an EHC Plan
  • Access independent appeals where other means of resolving disagreement have been exhausted
  • Resolve issues around school exclusion

Website: Visit the website

Ask Us are available via a helpline, or by email and can offer help on a wide range of issues.

Helpline : 0800 121 7772

They are currently running a voicemail service, so call the helpline, leave the details requested and then they will get back to you within 2 working days.

Email: Ask Us Nottinghamshire