Nottinghamshire Local Offer

A girl with Down Syndrome smiling with yellow flowers behind

What is the Local Offer?

The Children and Families Act (2014) required that all local authorities publish and maintain a ‘Local Offer’. The Local Offer has a wide range of information about all the support and facilities which families can expect to find in their area, for children and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).  

The Local Offer in Nottinghamshire

The Nottinghamshire Local Offer brings together useful information from across education, health and social care within one website. It has advice, support and guidance from a range of services that support children and young people with SEND.

Website: Visit the website

It should also enable you to find out what support and services are available in the voluntary and private sectors, for example from charities and disability groups.

There is information on Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans, Short Breaks, and there is a Young People’s Zone (designed specifically for young people under 25 years).

In addition as some families in Nottinghamshire may access services provided by other local authority areas, for example you may live in the County but your child may attend a Nottingham City School or live in Newark but access some health provision in Lincolnshire, this page provides links to other SEND Local Offers that are available in neighbouring authorities across the East Midlands.