Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans

Young child trying hard to write

Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan

An EHC Plan is a legal document that describes a child or young person’s special educational needs (SEN). It explains the extra help that will meet those needs and how that help will support the child or young person to achieve what they want in their life. 

The special educational provision described in an EHC plan must be provided by the child or young person’s local authority (LA).  

EHC plans are for children and young people whose special educational needs require more help than would normally be provided in nursery or by SEN support in school.

Children with EHC plans may go to a mainstream school or a special school, depending on their needs.

An EHC plan can only be issued after a child or young person has gone through the process of an Education, Health and Care needs assessment (see below).

Go to the IPSEA website for more information 

Education, Health and Care – Needs Assessment

An EHC needs assessment is a detailed look at the special educational needs (SEN) of a child or young person and the support they may need in order to learn. It is the first step in knowing if a child or young person requires an Education Health Care Plan.

A request for an EHC needs assessment can be made by the school, but a parent can also request for an assessment to be made and young people over the age of 16 years can also request an assessment of their needs. 

When should a LA carry out an EHC needs assessment?

If an LA is requested to carry out an EHC needs assessment, They must consider: 
  • whether the child or young person has or may have special educational needs 


  • whether they may need special educational provision to be made through an EHC plan 

If the answer to both of these questions is yes, they must carry out an EHC needs assessment. 

This test is set out in the law (section 36(8) of the Children and Families Act 2014). 

For more information about an EHC Needs Assessment go to the IPSEA website

“The purpose of an EHC plan is to make special educational provision to meet the special educational needs of the child or young person, to secure the best possible outcomes for them across education, health and social care and, as they get older, prepare them for adulthood.”

EHC plans are required by law to contain certain sections. It should be written in a way that makes it clear to everyone, including parents & young people, who is required to do what, when it has to happen and how often it should be reviewed. It should also be:

  • take into account the evidence from the EHC needs assessment
  • specify clear outcomes
  • consider how best to achieve the outcomes for the child or young person
  • be clear, concise, understandable and accessible
  • be based on decisions made openly, and with parents, children and young people
  • consider alternative ways of providing support if a parent or young person wishes it. This could include having a Personal Budget- See our page on Personal Budgets and Direct Payments
  • be forward looking – for example, anticipating, planning and commissioning for important transition points in a child or young person’s life
  • have a review date

Please click on the image below to watch a video regarding EHCP’s.